The Only Way

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  • #26564

    Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12

    Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. John 14:6

    Have you ever asked someone if they think that one day they will go to heaven? The responses will undoubtedly fall into one of several categories:

    1] Some people believe this earthly life is all there is; therefore it does not matter how a person thinks and acts because once they die there is nothing left. Such people spend their lives pursuing selfish pleasures and living for the moment.

    2] Others acknowledge that God exists and believe that they will go to heaven when they die because they are “basically good” people. (They have never done anything terribly wrong like murder, etc.) These people do not think much about their eternity; they think as long as they continue to be “basically good”, they deserve to be in heaven.

    3] Others are unsure because of things they have done whether God really forgives them and would allow “a person like them” into heaven.

    4] Followers of other religions like Islam believe that God is distant and unknowable; so people must try and be as good as they can in the hopes that their good deeds outweigh their bad ones and that God will accept them into heaven when they die. But they never really know for sure.

    But the truth is, God has made it clear how a person can get into heaven. There are not multiple ways, as many people believe, with each one being as equally valid as the other. There is not a 5-step program of things we must do before we are qualified to get into heaven. We can’t earn our way to heaven; no matter how much “good” we do, it will never be enough to erase the sins we have committed. God tells us, very plainly in fact, in both of the above verses that there is only one way to get to heaven, and that is the Way of His Son Jesus Christ. The very reason God sent His Son was so that He could become sin for us, and pay the penalty that our sins deserve. This was God’s plan from the beginning.

    Some may look at this and become discouraged, thinking “there is only one way, and it is a difficult way”. In reality, this should be a great encouragement. God has told us the answer. We don’t have to guess or wonder or hope that we have been good enough for God to let us into heaven. We can know for sure, by placing our trust in Christ Jesus and asking Him to forgive our sins.

    If you were asked if you think you will go to heaven when you die, how would you respond?

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