The Edge of Paradise (Turkey is beautiful.But for Christians there is always a price)

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  • #27719

    “Stirred with passion for Turkey’s spiritually lost, Martin de Lange uproots his little family and heads north from his native South Africa. Turkey is utterly different, a land where people ask intrusive questions, the government watches every move and men think his wife Petro is a prostitute. Martin gradually becomes fluent in Turkish, setting up Bible distribution networks, pastoring a growing fellowship. But police harassment, loneliness and threats create mounting pressures. Six months after the de Langes are forced to leave Turkey, three of the men Martin recruited are horribly murdered…Martin and Petro now travel the world raising prayer and support for the Turkish church.”

    Yazar kitabi Malatya’da (Kayra Ofisinde) vahsice oldurulen Tilmann Geske, Necati Aydin ve Ugur Yuksel’e adamistir.

    Eger kitabi bulabilirseniz, lutfen ama lutfen okuyun!

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