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1 yazı görüntüleniyor (toplam 1)
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This is love for God: to obey His commands. And His commands are not burdensome. 1 John 5:3
“If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (Jesus – John 14:15)
How much do you love God? This is kind of a strange question, but I’ll bet most of us have not really thought about this in depth before. Consider the following:
– Do I love God more than my self? Am I willing to do what God wants me to do even if it means giving up something that I want? Who is most important to me, God or myself? Am I spending time with Him daily?
– Do I love God more than my sin? Am I willing to give up things that I do for fun, pleasure or enjoyment that I know are sinful or wrong, or do I hold on to them?
– Do I love God more than my security? Am I willing to obey God even if it means doing something risky, out of my comfort zone or potentially dangerous? Or will I only obey God if it is “safe”?
Many times in Scripture, such as the two examples above, God tells us that the true measure of our love for Him is obedience. Unconditional, unquestioned, blind, immediate obedience. Not only within our parameters but however, whenever, and wherever God calls us.
What is God calling you to this week, this month, or this year? Perhaps to look beyond yourself and your immediate circumstances to someone else in need. Perhaps to let go of a sinful habit that you have held onto for years. Maybe to do something outside of your comfort zone.
And, according to the first verse above, is it really that much of a sacrifice if “His commands are not burdensome”?
How much do we love God? Will we obey Him in all things? Have a blessed week and Happy New Year!