Entrusted with a Priceless Gift

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  • #26388

    But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
    2 Corinthians 4:7

    The “treasure” Paul is referring to above is the indescribable value of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The message that God spared no expense in sending His Beloved Son to die in your place and my place for our sins is priceless. But notice how God chooses to communicate this amazing message. Through “jars of clay” – vessels of seemingly little value when compared with the treasure. Paul is not demeaning our bodies, nor is this saying we are of little or no value to God; he is simply contrasting the relative insignificance and unattractiveness of the bearers of the light with the inestimable worth and beauty of the light itself.

    Why did God choose to entrust such a priceless gift to a seemingly insignificant vessel? The answer is in the second half of the verse. Like so many other instances we see in scripture, God wants there to be no doubt whatsoever that “this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us”. Let there be no question that God alone could do something so wonderful – we cannot take any credit for it. He gets all the glory – just as He deserves!

    Spend some time this week reflecting on this indescribable and priceless gift that God has entrusted to you as a Christ-follower. Be sure to share the gift with others. Have a blessed week.

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