The Attıtude Of Chrıst..

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  • #27617

    The Attitude Of Chrıst.

    “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus :Who being in very nature God,did not consider equality with God something to be graspet,but made himself nothing,taking the very nature of servant,being made in human likenes..
    Philippians 2:5.7

    When we first look at these verses thy seem not to explain anything because our image of the Creator just isn’t like that.We have the image of God as the one who sits on high,pours out punishment on sullen faced humans,rules everything with strength,watches man’severy move,hears ourprayers but answers only when he vants to.
    This could only be a fable. Normal people could never believe sunc a thing.

    It’s a good thing God doesn’t think as descrbed above.
    If God thought like that,or if He were such a God,no one could come before him,no one could ever be in his presence.
    Everyone would die in their sins.

    However,just as it says in the verses above.He left his glory,made himself nothing:ant ,by being born in the likeness of man,whom he created,he turnet everyone’sthinking upside down.In th,is way,vith great
    pover ant glory,he demonstrated his love for mankind.He is our God who is over all things.To our Lord Jesus Christ be endless praise.

    God be with you,
    Stay in peace.

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