Eternal Perspective

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  • #27298

    I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Rom 8:18

    For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Cor 4:17

    This life on earth is hard, to say the least. Life is often full of full of “troubles” and “sufferings”; things that overwhelm us or seem beyond our ability to bear. Struggles with health, relationships, finances, work or school – sometimes life seems to come at us from all directions. And these trials don’t discriminate – all of us have been through them; many of you may be going through them right now.

    These verses, both written by Paul, contrast the current earthly state of the Christ-follower with our final destiny in heaven. We know relatively little about this heavenly state, but Scripture tells us it will be free of suffering and trouble, and above Paul tells us we will receive some form of “glory”. I have no idea what this future “glory” might be, other than it will be more wonderful than I can imagine and will be free of the hardships we experience in this life.

    So let’s consider looking at things from God’s perspective for a moment. In light of eternity, our time here on earth is very brief. Our average lifespan is somewhere between 60 and 70 years – some may live longer and some not as long. But our time in heaven will be forever – something we can’t even begin to comprehend. Still, some of our trials are severe, and at times it feels like we can’t take any more. But God reminds us that a future glory awaits us, a glory that “far outweighs them all”.

    Other scriptures talk about the cause of our suffering. If we suffer because of our own sin, then we need to take our sin to God, confess it, and repent of it. If we suffer because of our faith in Christ, scripture says we will be blessed.

    Are you suffering in some way today? Do you have troubles? Let’s God Word encourage and comfort you. There will be an end. I pray these verses give you the hope and encouragement you need to hang on just a bit longer. God has not abandoned you. He is right there with you. And He loves you so deeply that He sent His Son to die for you.

    (see the turkish translation ot the text)

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