Bilble Prophecies that Predict the Fall of Islam

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  • #25072

    Bible prophecies that predict . . . The Fall of Islam

    The Fall of Islam
    With the Jews back in Israel and Jerusalem again under Jewish control, we can now see Bible Prophecy in a new way. We can now see how the prophet Daniel predicted the coming of Islam, 1200 years before Muhammad was born. We can see how Revelation predicted the first Islamic Jihad, the Crusades, the birth of new Israel in 1948 and Jerusalem again under Jewish control in 1967. We can also see how Revelation predicted the present Jihad being fought against the West.

    Bible prophecy then predicts The Fall of Islam . . . a fall that will take place in our own generation! For more details on the Fall of Islam prophecies, please click here.

    With the exception of Bible prophecies that tell of Muhammad’s final descent into the Lake of Fire and Islam’s eventual destruction, an earlier work by Skolfield, “The False Prophet,” addresses these prophecies in detail. For a FREE download of “The False Prophet” and other letters and essays by this author, please click here.

    It is not our intent to offend anyone with this site. We do not hate Middle Eastern people or anyone else for that matter. This site is about many often ignored or misunderstood predictions in Bible prophecy that are being fulfilled even as we write.

    Due to an overwhelming volume of e-mail, the expected release date of our next book on Bible prophecy, “The Fall of Islam” has been delayed to later in the year. It is still expected to make 192 pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″, Retail price: $11.95.

    Bible prophecies that predict . . . The Fall of Islam

    The Fall of Islam
    With the Jews back in Israel and Jerusalem again under Jewish control, we can now see Bible Prophecy in a new way. We can now see how the prophet Daniel predicted the coming of Islam, 1200 years before Muhammad was born. We can see how Revelation predicted the first Islamic Jihad, the Crusades, the birth of new Israel in 1948 and Jerusalem again under Jewish control in 1967. We can also see how Revelation predicted the present Jihad being fought against the West.

    Bible prophecy then predicts The Fall of Islam . . . a fall that will take place in our own generation! For more details on the Fall of Islam prophecies, please click here.

    With the exception of Bible prophecies that tell of Muhammad’s final descent into the Lake of Fire and Islam’s eventual destruction, an earlier work by Skolfield, “The False Prophet,” addresses these prophecies in detail. For a FREE download of “The False Prophet” and other letters and essays by this author, please click here.

    It is not our intent to offend anyone with this site. We do not hate Middle Eastern people or anyone else for that matter. This site is about many often ignored or misunderstood predictions in Bible prophecy that are being fulfilled even as we write.

    Due to an overwhelming volume of e-mail, the expected release date of our next book on Bible prophecy, “The Fall of Islam” has been delayed to later in the year. It is still expected to make 192 pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″, Retail price: $11.95.

    Visit there

    Anahtar yönetici

    Well, this was often times a question in my mind whether there are any direct references to the religion of Islam in the Bible and whether it will ever fall. I am glad that there is already a biblical study on the matter and a book is available carrying the same title: “The Fall of Islam!” I simply love it! :) Now the question is this: When are we going to have this book in turkish?


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