HONOUR (Hounoring God brings our faith alive)

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  • #23578
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    In Mark Chapter 5 there are a number of miracles recorded that demonstrate the mighty healing power of Jesus.Jesus arrives in the area of Gerasenes and is met by a demon possessed man whom he sets free. Jesus then crosses over to the other side of the lake where there is a crowed of people waiting for him.There Jesus is met by Jarius,who falls down before Him with a request for Jesus to heal his sick daughter who is close to death.Jesus makes His way to attend to her when he is approached by the women who had suffered a haemorrhage for 12 years.Jesus said to the women,”Daughter,your faith has made you well.Go in peace ,you have been healed.”As this was happening Jesus gets news that Jairus daughter had died. Jesus arrives at the grieving home,enters her room and says to her,get up little girl,and the girl who was 12 immediately stood up and walked around!”
    Chapter 6 goes onto say that Jesus then left and returned to Nazareth,His home town.As usual,Jesus went about teaching in the synagogue and many people were astonished by His teachings and wondered where He got the wisdom.and the power to perform such miracles.Then something strange seems to take place,they begin to discredit Jesus because they realised that he was “just the carpenter,the son of Mary and the brother of James,Joseph,Judas and Simon.”And they said, “His sisters live right here among us.”To this they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him.You would think that they had heard enough and seen enough to give Jesus credibility and believe in Him.

    Tomorrow I will continue with how we could bring our faith alive.

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